About Selina

Born in 1981 to Australian and Maltese parents, Selina lives with her family near Sydney, Australia. During her life Selina has found ancient Roman treasure, survived cancer, had knights joust for her, earned a living from her art by age twenty-three, eaten every bizarre and wonderful food put in front of her, written numerous novels and painted hundreds of artworks.
As a child Selina loved to read. Her favourite stories were those of myth and magic, princesses and fairies. She would spend countless hours staring at the illustrations in these books, studying each brush stroke, marveling that any human hand could create such beauty.
Having always enjoyed drawing, Selina began to create artworks of her own ideas of fantasy inspired by the illustrations in her fairytale books, with goddesses, fairies and enchanted creatures. Soon she was illustrating her RPG characters and games, and then fell in love with comic books, the perfect fusing of art and story.
Selina began pursuing art training more determinedly in high school, when she also had her first attempt at writing a novel and wrote/illustrated a complete comic of her own.
Selina started her art business in 2002, and created and sold a wide range or art and fiction since then. In her spare time, Selina enjoys cooking, gardening, spending time with her husband and daughter, and all things geeky.
She continues to work to improve her art and writing, and create that same magical feel and sense of adventure she knew as a child.
“As an artist, I paint because of a driving need to create beauty and magic. It is an inner need which I fulfill by putting brush to paper. But there is no magic there until it is shared, no joy to be found in the forms and colours until it is seen by another. So I want to thank you, for looking upon my artwork and allowing its magic to become real, for making the image I have captured in paint and pencil come to life in your eyes and mind. I hope that my artwork can be an inspiration to you.”
Selina’s art has been published in books and magazines worldwide, and is available on licensed products ranging from t-shirts to stationery, figurines to jewelry. Her art has been purchased by customers and collectors in over 50 countries around the world, and she has been self employed for almost her entire life.
Selina cares greatly about equality, compassion, and kindness. She makes monthly donations to Oxfam, Greening Australia, and Amnesty International. When you buy her products you’re not just supporting an artist, you are helping her help others.
After some life changing events in 2008, Selina began pursuing another life-long dream in the form of writing a novel, one she had brewing in her mind for many years.
The award winning Memory’s Wake was published in 2011 and soon became one of many novels by Selina. Creating new worlds of fantasy, adventure, and romance in fiction is one of Selina’s greatest joys, and being able to share them with readers means the world to her.
With more than one million words written, multiple series, works published in a number of languages, and tens of thousands of books read, Selina’s journey as an author has only just begun.
“I want to live my life like it’s a fairy tale, and I want my artwork to make other people feel the same. I love that for a person of any age my fairies can bring back the magical memories and feelings of adventure from their childhood. I hope that they also create new memories and dreams of magic!”