An Artists Life- Expressed in funny GIFs
When you first tell your family you want to try and make a living as an artist- And most days you have to work this
December 19, 2013
Memorys Wake Review Tour
Memory’s Wake is going on tour! A blog tour that is 🙂 With the help of Xpresso Books, a fantastic line of up book bloggers
November 12, 2013
5 Years After Cancer
As of this month, I am 5 years out from the end of my cancer treatments. I’m not going to go too much into that
October 11, 2013
Irons in the Fire
I’ve been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately. There’s so much going on in my life right now, that something is going to have to give.
July 24, 2013
Selina’s Studio
Want a little peak into my world? Here is where I spend most of my time, writing, painting, messing around online 🙂 Two of my
October 1, 2012
Digital Painting Walkthrough- Finishing up
Like my mermaids? You can find this artwork any many others in my Mermaid Dreams Art Collection Book. It’s time for me to
August 8, 2012