My Understanding of King Lear
A high school english assignment, in which we had to give a speech outlining our understanding of Shakespeare’s “King Lear”. I decided to give mine in a pseudo-Shakespearean rhyme.
Fairy and Gargoyle Painting Walkthrough- with Videos
A new painting walkthrough for 2010 showing Selina creating an artwork step by step in acrylics. Documenting the entire process, with photos, and video, right from inspiration to final brush stroke.
A Look Back at Cancer
A very long look back at 2008 and Selina’s cancer treatments and thoughts about it all two years down the track.
High Fantasy Illustration- Its history, evolution, and place in society
“I mean by a picture a beautiful romantic dream of something that never was, never will be- in a light better than any light that ever shone- in a land no one can define or remember, only desire.” A 4500 word essay exploring the nature of Fantasy Art and its role in Society. An interesting commentary and analysis of where Fantasy Art came from, and why it’s important to human culture. Written by Selina during her university days.
Under the Influence
Not the type to have ever taken recreational drugs, I’ve always been quite satisfied with what my imagination comes up with on it’s own. Here is one exception- After dental surgery (to have all four highly compacted wisdom teeth removed at once, eek!), I was on some heavy duty painkillers. As I drifted in and out of conciousness, this poem simply came to me. I felt for a moment how Colleridge must have felt some of the time.
Video – Acrylic Painting – Mermaid Face in Time Lapse
A time lapse video of painting a face in acrylic paints (watercolour technique), with information text on the video.