Want an Empath Chronicles Audiobook? Join us!

Want an Empath Chronicles Audiobook? Join us!

I’m running my first ever Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign to fund the creation of the Emotionally Charged audiobook. If you’re new to Kickstarter, the way it works is that backers pledge amounts towards funding a project (generally in return for some awesome goodies!), then if the project meets its funding goal, it goes ahead and everyone gets their rewards! If it doesn’t reach its funding goal, then, well, nothing happens. No payments are charged and the project doesn’t go ahead. It’s an all or nothing approach. I need to be honest, I was a little terrified to do this, the whole crowdfunding thing. I’m the kind of person that doesn’t like asking for money, or loans, or help in general (this is not presented a good character trait, FYI). But then I realised that this Kickstarter is different, because it’s an opportunity. An amazing opportunity to share a bit extra with my readers and Empath fans. Extra goodies and bonuses and content, and sharing in this journey as well. Once that clicked in my head I was like “Yeah! This is going to be fun!”. You can watch my dorky intro video below to learn more about what’s happening ^_^ The campaign is already 50% funded after just 24 hours, and you’ve still got a chance at some of the early bird discounts and limited quantity offers. Here’s a preview of some of the fun Empaths content available (plus, of course, things like the actual audiobook, custom artwork, and early reader access to my next novel!)- I hope you will consider backing the project, or sharing the news. Every pledge gets us closer to being successfully funded, and I have set up some fun stretch goals as well. If you’ve got any questions about how this all works, you can leave me a comment here or ask on the Kickstarter page. Thank you for helping to bring the world of the Empaths to audio! Visit the Kickstarter Page Now




6 thoughts on “Want an Empath Chronicles Audiobook? Join us!”

  1. Jennifer Watson

    I missed this, I didn’t realize this series would be on audiobook, too! I listened to all of the Memory’s Wake ones, and loved them!

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