The Empath Chronicles Continue

The Empath Chronicles Continue

It’s been a long time coming.
I’ve been promising on and off to continue the Empath Chronicles since the first book, Emotionally Charged came out in 2011, but too many other projects kept getting in the way. I even reached a point in December of 2018 when I made an announcement saying I just wasn’t going to finish the series and would move on with other things.
But try as I might, I just couldn’t let it go.
I had the outlines for two more books planned out, and half a book written, and just couldn’t turn my back on these characters.
Early in 2019 I decided to go for it. I kept it quiet for a long time, because I didn’t want to tell anyone I was working on the series again until I had solid progress. I wanted full drafts of books 2 and 3 done and dusted before breathing a word. I hit that point in July, and bookings with my editor were made and a launch plan laid out.
Now it’s all happening.
I’ve reworked, revised, and expanded Emotionally Charged. It went from around 23 thousand words to almost 40 thousand words with the additional content, and is being relaunched as a second edition on September 2nd. Even if you’re read this story before, you might want to grab the new edition, as the new content covers some time after the original events where the characters deal with what has happened, and sets up the next book. If anything else, you might want a catch up if it was years ago that you read it. If you read it recently, you could probably get away with moving straight on to book two with only minor confusion.
Emotionally Unstable, book two, will be following it on October 21th, and then book three in the series on November 12th.

What’s next?

After finishing these books in the Empath Chronicles, I’ll be moving right on to developing and writing an all new series. I have half a dozen concepts I’ve been toying with and developing on and off, and kind of love them all. Choosing is going to be really hard.
Once the Empaths are finished, I might do a Story Concept Battle Royale, and pitch all my ideas to you guys and see which one crawls out as the bloody survivor.
Until then…
I hope you enjoy seeing where Livvy and Dean’s story takes them. Emotionally Charged and Emotionally Unstable are both up for pre-order, and Emotionally Powerful is also available now.
Happy reading!

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