I think I’m having Sketch Fest withdrawals. I missed the last couple of Sketch Fests, and now Ellen Million, the host of the awesome event, is off on maternity leave.
So I had my own private Sketch Fest today. I needed to get my arty mojo going again (I’ve been switched over to writing mind instead of drawing mind), and get some mermaidy inspiration going. So… I sketched a bunch of mermaids.

They range in complexity (I didn’t stick to the normal 1 hour Sketch Fest time limit, although I doubt many went over time) and success, and I probably won’t turn all of them into finished work. But it felt great getting my sketch on. I feel like I’m starting to get the hang of mermaids tails, which are something I struggle with, getting the curves and angles right. I don’t like mermaid tails that look like they have knees, but it’s easy to make mermaid tails look stumpy if they curve wrong.
I’ve neglected mermaids for too long. I’m planning to do a lot of mermaid paintings this year!
And I sure did paint a lot of mermaids that year! You can see all the new mermaid artwork in my Mermaid Art Collection book, and Oracle of the Mermaids card deck, now available!
18 thoughts on “Many, Many, Mermaid Sketches”
Yes I agree you don’t do enough mermaids, and I love your mermaids! These are beautiful.. hope to see them coloured and finished one day 🙂
wow selina these are all so perfect and beautiful ! every time i see your sketches inspires me to sketch too, i know what you mean i miss sketch fest too and can’t wait for it to come back , look forward to your mermaid art xoxo
These are incredible!! I’d love to see some turned into traditional paintings. 🙂
Can’t wait to see more… These are beautiful
I love all the sketches! You are one of the only few artist that does the more realistic scales. I’m surprised you don’t do a lot more mermaids, but I understand that you have to follow your muse.
I think they are all wonderful! I can’t wait to see them finished!
They are all beautiful Selina! I especially like the 2 whispering and the one with the hair swirling around her. I get a little caught up in wondering about the logistics of a pregnant mermaid giving birth though. lol Do they magically get legs when out of water, so they can give birth on shore?
I like to think their reproductive system is like dolphins. If Dolphins manage, mermaids can 🙂 Mermaid babies may just need to be a bit smaller at birth than human babies are…
To create Magic on paper is a God given talent!!! Thank you for sharing with us Your True Beauty!!
I love The Mommy to be Mermaid!!!
Oh, love, I want the pregnant one for my niece! So very sweet and so like her.
Oh wonderful! Like many others, my favorites are the two whispering, the swirly one, and of course the mama-mermaid.
Beautiful sketches. I love the one with the trident and the two whispering in particular.
Gosh! Amazing work Selina! I can’t wait to see new finnished works 😀
Oh good. Unerwater Secrets could use a sister piece
They are all so amazing!! I’m loving on the preggo mermaid!! Beautiful :). Everything you do is awesome!!
You have bewiched me…I have a request for all of us Raven haired girls, will you makeone of these mermaid with black hair when you choose to make these mermaids in color! Thanks for makeing the world a more beautiful place.
I love all of your sketches and the other things.
Only I’m from Belgium and I can’t find your book in english…
Does somebody knows where I can buy it?
(Sorry if words are written wrong)