Want a little peak into my world? Here is where I spend most of my time, writing, painting, messing around online 🙂

- Two of my most favourite and personal original artworks, Motherhood and Love Me Not. Also around the house I have framed- Dark Waters Bright Skies, Greenman’s Door, Along the Forest Path, Warm my Heart, and Rose.
- Weapons at hand for defending myself come the zombocalypse.
- To-Do lists. I have many to-do lists of different priorities and types. I need to write down everything I have to do, and find it’s the best way to stay motivated and get work done as a self employed type. You write a list of goals for the day (taken from a master list elsewhere), and you tick off as many as you can. My lists are a bit full and messy right now! I have them on my phone, on paper, on post-its, on white boards. In fact, re-organising my to-do lists is on one of my to-do lists.
- The Spooky Door. What is behind it? No one knows!!! Or it could be a storeroom. I’m not even sure why I thought that required a number on this list?
- Just some of my key collection. I love keys! Keys, doorknobs, locks, anything to do with doorways, there is just something magical about them.
- My gorgeous office chair. Not very ergonomic but you will have to prise it from my cold dead fingers to make me change!
- My Wacom Cintiq 24HD, oh let me count the ways I love you. For those who don’t know what a Cintiq is, it’s a screen that you draw directly onto with a pressure sensitive digital pen in order to paint brush strokes for digital painting. In this photo it’s upright, but see those super arms on the side? It adjusts to all kinds of angles, like a drafting table, even right down over the edge of the desk so it’s practically in my lap. My baby girl sometimes sits on my lap with me while I’m digi-painting and licks the screen, which makes me glad I can digi-paint instead of with traditional mediums now! And yes, it’s growing mushrooms. My desktop wallpaper cycles through my and my husbands photos (currently showing photos from a zoo visit).
- My computer mouse looks like a lady bug. How old am I again?
- My Ball Jointed Doll, Dollzone model “Celine”. She was my lavish gift-to-self for completing all my cancer treatments. She stands on her own and is really posable. I pretend I use her as an artists model but really I just like getting her pretty new clothes and dressing her up. Wait… how old am I again?!
- A shoe stand that made the prefect art supplies stand. Top shelf has paint mediums and masking fluids, down from there is a box of Kremer pure pigments and other tube paints in boxes and my masking tape, then the bottom three shelves are colour pencils and pastel pencils arranged in colour order. It isn’t there anymore, I had to hide everything gooey, toxic or otherwise chewable away from the baby thing. I’m doing all my painting now on the Cintiq.
- No I don’t have a secret stash of junk food in my desk draw. SHUT UP WHO TOLD YOU?!?
Where are all the printers and stuff? All the production side of my business lives in a separate building. My office is just for creating art now and I love it 🙂
What’s at the other end of the room? The Library! My husband and I hit up Ikea to create a whole wall of bookshelves for our collection, and we’re still double stacked on most shelves. You can zoom in on the picture and see what a fair few of the titles are, but I can tell you right now that at least 70% of the collection is sci-fi and fantasy! There’s also our light sabre on the top. And my cat on a fluffy cushion. There’s a shelf dedicated to all figurines based on my art, and another shelf of other fun treasures (a Sailor Moon alarm clock!).
13 thoughts on “Selina’s Studio”
Motherhood and Love Me Not are two of my longtime favorites, too, but I think you already new that.
God bless you,
What a wonderful journal entry! I love seeing artists creative spaces (I’m actually just tidying up my own today, darn they sure get messy). I love love love your chair. I wouldn’t let anyone take it from me either. Also, that bookshelf is just RAD. I definitely need to get something like that. My single bookshelf has books crammed in and falling out all the time LOL. 🙂
Lovely to see where all the wonderful creativity happens. I was really excited to actually meet you yesterday at Mingara and also being able to buy two of my very favourite paintings – “Secret Doorway” and “Solace”. Now just need to find frames to do them justice. Thank you for all the joy and inspiration your work brings to me. I always feel better when I look at any of your art.
This looks great is that a templar knights sword you have there
your library looks great i have done the same with my library and sword collection
The sword was a gift to us from the knights who jousted at our wedding (yes, we had knights joust at our wedding!). It’s engraved on the hilt with our initials and wedding date. Best. Wedding Keepsake. Ever.
Thnxs for letting us get a sneak peak of your world 🙂 I have to say though, what took my breath away was your library! I have only one bookshelf full to the brim with fantasy books, there’s not enough room for the wall to wall shelves I’m dreaming of doing. So I really like how you have your library set up. And I couldn’t help but notice that in your collections of books you have the Immortal Instruments books, fantastic series! Just finished reading the recent book, City of Lost Souls in fact. I also noticed that you’ve read the Weel of Time series! Great plot and characters, I’m always sucked in whenever I read one of his books 🙂
looks like my room! (with the cat and all :D) thanks for sharing 🙂
Selina i loved your studio and library you and your husband have beautiful taste decorating everything ,your studio desk and chair have such antique feeling really beautiful and elegant , i LOVE your doll!!!! hope one day i can have one just as pretty , don’t think i have seen such tall BJD doll’s it’s really beautiful , your kitty is cute loved your figurines display in your library so many fairies very pretty , your originals looks gorgeous framed, you have a beautiful home ,thanks for sharing with us 🙂
I simply ADORE the bookshelf! 😀
I love how you have Harry Potter, Twilight, and the Mortal Instruments series. I also like the collection of your books down there. XD
Your beautiful artwork to see is a comfort and joy to me since my husband died 6/20/2012 it makes me remember all is not forgotten there is beauty still there in your art. thank you!
You’re too kind, thank you. I’m sorry for your loss, and glad my art helps in some way.
I love seeing artists’ studios, I love seeing where all the magic happens! Also can I just say that I have read at least half the fantasy books on that shelf! I couldn’t see the Lord of the Rings anywhere though… 🙂 anyway, I love your work and hope to be able to have even half of your talent someday through practice.
All the best,
Third shelf from left, second shelf down 🙂 The shiny gold makes the titles hard to read. To be honest though I haven’t read half these books still, most are my husbands. Including Lord of the Rings. I read The Hobbit and wasn’t a fan so never got to them. I like books with female main characters 🙂