Goddess and Mythology Coloring Book


Goddess and Mythology Coloring Book

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Explore your inner goddess and discover peace and power through coloring with this goddess and mythology inspired coloring book by Selina Fenech.This coloring book features 25 goddesses, gods, and female characters from many world mythologies, ready to be brought to life with color!

  • This book includes TWO full sets of the 25 artworks, for a total of 50 pages to color in.
  • Page size is 8.5 x 11 inches, letter size, approx. 22 x 28 cm.
  • Images on one side only for easy removal and display. Images are framed within the page, not full bleed.
  • These intricate designs are suitable for adults and experienced colorists.
  • Parental discretion advised for younger artists as some artworks contain artistic/concealed nudity and sensual goddess imagery.
  • Goddesses from all over the world, including Antheia, Aphrodite, Arianrhod, Athena, Blodeuwedd, Cerridwen, Coventina, Diana, Echo, Fidelma, Gaia, Guanyin, Horned God and Goddess, Ishtar, Isis, Lady of the Lake, Morrigan Triple Goddess, Nuwa, Oshun, Rhiannon, Selene, Shiva and Parvati, Tempestas, Valkyrie, Wiccan god and goddess.

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Colouring Book

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