Memory’s Wake Trilogy Audio Books

Memory’s Wake Trilogy Audio Books

Production for audio books of all three novels in my Memory’s Wake trilogy is now complete. It’s been a wonderful experience creating these with narrator Em Eldridge. Hearing my stories brought to life is amazing, and there were lots of moments while listening through during production where I had to stop and wonder, “Wow, I wrote that?!” Maybe it’s the narration that makes it so much more alive, but I’m feeling really proud of this story right now. And it made me miss the characters so much *sniff*
Here’s a teaser video I created with some snippets from all three of the Memory’s Wake books-

You can get all three books individually through Audible or Amazon, or get them as a box set all together for a great price! Audible members can get the books as part of their subscription, and ebook readers can get a huge discount on the price through the WhisperSync program on Amazon.

35 thoughts on “Memory’s Wake Trilogy Audio Books”

  1. I love audio because it’s wonderful to be able to listen to my favorite books/authors when I’m working or driving.

  2. I love to read! It is my escape from real life but as a momatter there are many things that get in the way of reading. Things like housework, doing dishes and laundry. This is where an audio book would come in handy. Giving my escape I need but still allowing me to get the things done that I need to do.

  3. I love audio books because I can immerse myself in the story while driving or doing chores. Turning monotonous tasks into a breeze!

  4. I would love to be able to listen to these books as I love the audio format. If you get a great narrator it really brings the story to life. Especially in bed at night – though I have a tendency to fall asleep and lose my place.

  5. I love Audio Books, especially when I have a lot of driving to do.
    I really enjoy getting lost in a wonderful story instead of frustrated with all the traffic jams.

  6. I love audio books as I don’t drive and catch public transport alot so I listen to books to block out not only the other people on the bus but my own daily mental health issues

  7. I really love audiobooks because I travel a lot in the car to see my family, and it is nice to be able to read a good story hands free by listening to it. It frees up time in our busy lives to enjoy a good book once in a while, no matter where we are 🙂

  8. Yay, it’s working now!
    I haven’t listened to an audible book yet, but I’m intrigued by it and will give it a go! xx

  9. I love to read! Due to a medical condition, I am no longer able to read paper books. Would like to try audio books. I used to have hundreds of books, mostly fantasy, sci fi and horror. Want to be able to get back to “reading!”

  10. I am just beginning to explore audio books, though have been an avid reader for many years. Sometimes it is nice to relax to someone else reading to you, brings back memories of childhood and bedtime stories. Wonderfully warm and cozy, especially with a big mug of tea.

  11. Why do I love audio books? I have issues with my eyes and my reading is a lot slower than it used to be, so audio books are a great way for me to enjoy a book at a pace that is more enjoyable.
    PS. I’ve also entered via Facebook

  12. I haven’t done audio books before ! I usually enjoy reading them and im interested in both that and your series 🙂 I got your gothic coloring book and just Love it — Congratulations on your series !

  13. I love taking audiobooks in the car. They’re so perfect for those days when you’re in the car a ton and just want to be distracted. They’re also great if you have a long commute. I think listening to these books in audiobook format would be great!!!

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