I got married, here's how it happened!

I got married, here's how it happened!

On February 5th, 2011, I got married. It had been a long time coming, since David had proposed much earlier and we intended to get married in 2008. Unfortunately, a small bout of cancer got in the way, and I refused to think about wedding planning until my hair was long again. Finally we decided we’d put if off long enough, and set a date (only three months off) then took a month to get invites sent out, at which point we’d done no other planning.
The next two months, obviously, were busy! Luckily I already had bought a dress back when we first got engaged, one thing at least off the list! But the day came along and we felt prepared, hoping our crazy schemes would play out smoothly!
The wedding, ceremony and reception were to be held at my parents property in the Hunter Valley, which has acres of landscaped garden and dozens of ponds. We knew the weather would be hot, because we wanted all the waterlilies and lotus flowering, which happens best in summer. But summer tricked us. Months of beautiful, mild weather had us feeling good, then the week of our wedding- HEAT WAVE! The day after the wedding, newspapers reported it was SYDNEY’S HOTTEST NIGHT IN RECORDED HISTORY. How many people can say that about their wedding night? 😉
So, let’s get started on the day. Here I am, getting ready in my family home. Hair and make up done, we’re all trying to battle the heat!

Time to get the dress on! Below is a photo of my mum and Maid of Honour, Meg, lacing me up. I bought the dress on ebay, one of those “custom made direct from chinese sewing factories” deals. I figured if it didn’t work, I’d only spent 1/5th the cost of a dress from a store here anyway. The dress wasn’t perfect, but still gorgeous. It had a stupidly long trail, which I had altered a few weeks before the wedding so it was all pinned and sewn up into bustles, and the red sash was also added as a final thought. I wore a hooped skirt underneath, which saved me from a lot of the affects of the heat. I barely felt like I was wearing such a big dress at all thanks to it! Ever since I watched The King and I as a kid, I wanted a gown with a skirt so big you couldn’t walk through a door. This is the closest I could get realistically, and yes, I had to squeeze to get through a standard doorway!
And time for the ceremony! The processional song was “Con te Partiro” by Andrea Bocelli. I totally made everyone wait so I’d arrive at the right time in the song, hehehe.

I make my arrival, with my (best Amy Pond impression) tiny little Dad! OK, so I’m wearing 6 inch heels…

And the ceremony is kept short and sweet so we don’t all die of heat stroke.

The celebrant is about to declare us married as long as no one objects… BUT OH NO! SOME ONE DOES!

A knightly herald appears and declares that we must win the right to marry on the field of battle! We are led to the fighting field to the sounds of the Imperial March (*sigh*, yes I allowed it…)

I select my champion, to joust for my right to marry my beloved and bestow a favour upon him. I choose the White Knight of course! (The black knight was tempting for a moment…)
And they joust! (In 40+ degree celsius heat!)

The White Knight wins! As much as the poor horse only wanted to back into the nearest shade, lol. Love is victorious! Everyone celebrates, HUZZAH!

And David and I are married 🙂

We sign…
And we celebrate! Somewhat relieved the ceremony all played out according to plan 😉 We managed to keep the entire jousting event hidden and secret from our guests for the big surprise! But there is more fun yet…
David’s wedding ring is made of meteorite. It’s awesome, and gives him superpowers.

We get called away from the fun for a bunch of posed photos. Here are my favourites…
Me and my parents-
Brand new Mister and Missus-

Then we’re back with everyone for the rest of a fun filled night. The speeches were hilarious. I even managed to yell out a “That’s what she said!” during one 🙂

Then we have to cut the cake! That cake tasted SO GOOD! Thanks to I Do Cupcakes of Gosford for the best tasting cake ever. Next to the cake we have a selection of fortune cookies I hand made! In vanilla, strawberry and chocolate flavour with over 50 unique fortunes. And yes, later on in the night when all the cookies were gone, that giant martini glass saw some use.

And then we danced. Our wedding dance was to “I believe in a thing called love” by The Darkness. Yes, we choreographed. Yes we stuffed it up. But it was awesome. The dress was made for dancing!

And then we all partied the night away!

37 thoughts on “I got married, here's how it happened!”

  1. Looks wonderful! I’m so glad you shared these with us all. You are stunning! Congratulations to you both. Hope your marriage is happy, fun, and a rocking good time always.

  2. You are one of the most beautiful people I have ever seen. Your beautiful life essence can be clearly seen in your art work but it can be seen even more in the love in your eyes in these pictures. Even in a heat wave you look like it doesn’t even affect you. Congrats on your wedding and may it be long, happy and full of love.
    Love, A Big Fan, Destiny

  3. Selina, your wedding was GORGEOUS and SO much fun! LOVE all the personal touches. What a beautiful ceremony and pictures and reception. Just GORGEOUS! 🙂 Makes me want to do a picture story of my wedding! Just beautiful! You looked stunning! 🙂

  4. Ah Selina, this is so GORGEOUS!! Thanks so much for posting these and with such a beautiful story too. You look stunning. It didn’t look like the hottest day in Sydney at all 😀 Beautiful.

  5. I LOVE that you surprised your guests with a jousting match!!! What a clever and delightful touch! Your wedding will probably end up being the best one your guests have or will ever attend! You were a beautiful bride, Selina, and your husband is a very handsome man. I wish you two so much happiness in your life together. Thank you so much for sharing the photos, but also for sharing the story along with it!
    Many Blessings,
    Laura Macy

  6. Awwww Selina,
    This looks like it was a fantastic day for all of you! The joust was a fun idea and I’m glad it came off well and as a surprise to most that attended!
    Congratulations and I wish all you wish out of life and more!

  7. What a gorgeous wedding! 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing these photos with us! I love the idea of the jousting and the photos by the pond with the lilies and lotuses. Waterlilies are my favorite flowers. 🙂
    Kudos to you all for making it look like you weren’t roasting out there in the heat! It looks like you had a blast and a wonderful start to this new chapter in your lives. 🙂 Congrats!

    1. Kudos go to my mum who made up dozens of little refrigerated towels to keep everyone cool and refreshed!

  8. Wonderful blessing filled beauty! I love the fortune cookie idea, and the super powers that your husband has thanks to his ring! That is so cool! Very unique and precious. Live happilly ever after prince and princess 🙂

  9. Congratulations to your both.
    It was by all counts a truly magical, wonderful day.
    I love all the personal touches to both your gown and your ceremony.
    And I love the photo of you both signing, your hubby looks like he’s going to tickle you with the quill!!!! Just gorgeous and loving!!
    I wish you both a long and happy, healthy life together.
    Thank you for sharing your wedding day with us.

  10. Everyone loves little suprises at a wedding and your’s would have thrilled your guests. Fantastic idea for the joust. Looks like a wonderful time would have been had by all.

  11. What a magical day! Congrats, Selina and David! Hope you have a beautiful life together following such a beautiful day. Thanks for sharing too! Best best wishes! 🙂

  12. Thank you for sharing!
    My favourite picture is the one ‘through the grass’.
    Nice touch/idea: the jousting! (and much ‘fun’ as you mananged to keep it a secret!)

  13. Selina congrats to you and your husband your wedding was absolutely beautiful you both make a beautiful couple and you made a beautiful fairytale bride, thank you so much for sharing your lovely wedding with all of us, i wish you both all the best ,congratulations!!

  14. Congratulations Selina! You make a stunning bride. All the best wishes to you and David for a lifetime of wedded bliss.

  15. Your hubby and you were just stunning ! A fairy tale wedding for sure . Thank you so much for sharing ,just does the heart good to know that dreams do come true . CONGRATULATION,Selina and David .

  16. Oh my goodness! Congratulations! I love the jousting, and the photos by the lilly pond are so incredible! Blessings on your wedding!

  17. Michelle Easters

    I have been a fan for many years and it is so nice to see your very own fairytale ending. Wishing you a life of love happiness a few tears (we need them to appreciate the happy times even more) and most of all adventure. Congratulations Selene x

  18. Congratulations, How absolutely beautiful. Such beauty in you all, may your life be full of smiles and happiness forever and always.

  19. I’m thrilled you are healthy and married! Yeah! My “small things” tattoo on my back gives me much opportunity to tell people your story. May you be blessed with love and happiness on your new journey. Pamela

  20. May your life be as beautiful as the world you’ve had create for us ! You inspiring me so much and I thank you for that !
    A very big fan of you .

  21. you and husband embodied bliss on your special day. i bid you the warmest congratulations and a wonderful life together.i look forward to one day having my fairytale wedding… you looked very beautiful and your husband was quite dappa…
    May your fantasy never end…

  22. Beautiful photos! Thank you for sharing, together with the wonderful account of your lovely day! Hope you are in good health now.

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